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Colorectal cancer

What is colorectal cancer?

The rectum is the last inches of the large intestine. It begins at the end of the final segment of the colon and ends in the narrow, short tube that reaches the anus.

Cancer inside the rectum (cancer of the rectum) and cancer within the colon (colon cancer) are often called “colorectal cancer” together.

Although colon cancer and rectal cancer are similar in several aspects, their treatments are quite different. This is mainly because the rectum is located in a narrow place, barely separated from other organs and structures of the pelvic area. Therefore, a complete surgical removal of rectal cancer is difficult and very complex. Additional treatment is often needed pre or post-surgery to reduce the chance that the cancer will come back.

In the past, the long-term survival of people suffering from rectal cancer was not common, even after prolonged treatment. Advances over the last 30 years in treatment, mean that many cases of rectal cancer can now be be cured.

Expert Advice

Our professional mycotherapy specialist advisors can provide tailored advice and mycotherapy protocols using Hifas da Terra organic mushroom products.

Which mushrooms have useful properties for colorectal cancer?

Through the selected fungi we intend a better response to conventional treatment and reduce the associated effects associated with these treatments.
The nutritional deficiencies of the oncological patient are a complex phenomenon, of multifactorial etiology and of important clinical consequences, which have an inseparable relationship with the severity of the disease.

By improving the nutritional status of the patient we improve their immune response and with it the risk of opportunistic infections and side effects.
There are data that justify the use of fungal extracts as a complement in chemotherapy treatments to reduce pain, cachexia and side effects (loss of hair and appetite, vomiting, etc.).

Reishi Hifas da Terra: useful properties


Patients treated with Reishi were more likely to respond positively to chemotherapy or radiation therapy compared to those who received only chemo or radiotherapy.

Oncological patients treated with Reishi show a considerable increase in the percentages of lymphocytes, an improvement in the quality of life and a reduction in side effects (nausea and insomnia) compared to the untreated ones.

Reishi contains biologically active compounds against the estrogen-mediated signaling system in tumor cells involved in this type of tumor.

The extract of Reishi has demonstrated sedative and anti-inflammatory capacity, as well as an increase in the total time of sleep, improving the quality of life.

Royal Sun Agaricus

The Mushroom extract of the sun produces improvements in appetite, alopecia, emotional stability and general weakness in gynecological patients undergoing chemotherapy.


The extract of Grifola frondosa is able to produce symptomatic improvements or regression of cancer in 68.8% of patients with breast cancer.


The extract of Coriolus versicolor (PSK) is able to improve the survival of patients with different types of cancer (mean 9% increase in overall survival and disease-free survival at 5 years) used in combination with chemotherapy against pharmacological treatment isolated.

Lion's Mane Hifas da Terra

Lion’s mane

Lion’s mane inhibits the growth of gastric, liver and colon cancer cell lines. In addition, it relieves abdominal pain and reduces precancerous cell growth and inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease or chronic gastritis.

Oyster mushroom

The bioactive polysaccharides present in the Seta of the present antiproliferative activity against gastric and colon cancer cell lines, as well as prebiotic activity.

King Trumpet Mushroom

The series of carts is able to reduce the number of precancerous lesions induced in both the colon and the rectum of animal models. In addition, it presents the prebiotic activity.

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Nutrition recommendations and healthy habits



  • Consume plenty of fluids and follow a varied diet rich in vegetables and fruits. This has been associated with a reduction in the risk of this type of cancer due to its content of vitamins and antioxidants. Try to eat the colors of the rainbow, the more varied the colors of your fruits and vegetables, the more complete your diet will be. Avoid refined white flours. Substitute them for organic wholemeal flours that will give you fiber and more nutrients.
  • Avoid white sugar or reduce consumption to a minimum. It uses, preferably, natural sweeteners such as cinnamon, stevia or organic honeys.
  • Instead of making large meals, it is recommended to make five or six takes a day.
  • Drink more than 2 liters of water a day, especially on the days when you receive the treatment. If you get tired of the water, you have infusions to increase your water intake. This will help you in your water balance.
  • It is recommended to complete the treatment with an emotional stabilizer that will help you relax and sleep better.
  • You can also take nutritional supplements that help protect and promote the activity of your microbiota and avoid constipation associated with treatment.


  • Very hot foods, fried, spicy, very spicy and flatulent.
  • Stimulating and gas drinks.
  • Tobacco and alcohol.
  • Processed products rich in added sugars, additives and artificial colors such as industrial pastries, sweets, refined cereals, toast, cookies …
  • The consumption of trans fats present in processed products such as margarines, fried foods, refined oils …
  • Red and processed meat such as sausages, sausages …
  • Fast-absorbing carbohydrates that raise blood glucose such as sweets, sugar, fructose, refined flours (white bread, sliced bread, cookies, biscuits …).

Oral hygiene


  • Make a gentle toothbrush and rinse with water and baking soda after each meal.
  • It is recommended to take supplements that help prevent opportunistic infections that generate mucositis.
  • Visit the dentist before starting treatment.


  • Dental extractions and / or any type of dental manipulation (consult your doctor beforehand).

Skin care


  • Apply moisturizing lotions, to be able to be natural, free of carbomers, DEA, petrochemical derivatives, parabens, synthetic perfumes, phthalates, synthetic dyes and sulfates.
  • Protect yourself from solar radiation. Do not expose yourself to the sun between 12 and 6 in the afternoon. Use sunglasses, hats or hats, umbrellas, etc. Use creams of total protection. The lips are a particularly sensitive area, take care and nurture them regularly.


  • Skin injuries (shaving with razors).
  • Direct exposures to the sun.

Hair care


  • Use a neutral shampoo and combs with thick and separate prongs.
  • Wash your hair with warm water, performing gentle friction. Dry it in the air, without using a dryer.
  • Use vegetable dyes without ammonia.


  • Hair dryer with very hot air.
  • Recommendations to be taken into account during chemo and radiotherapy treatments.
  • Use vegetable dyes without ammonia.

These councils have been developed by the nursing service of the Santa Isabel Clinic and Hifas da Terra.

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